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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane tanks

What do you thing about the following estimate figures : 

1.) Sub with used propane tank hull : 
14250 $ and about 100 ft dive deep. 

2.) Sub with new propane tank hull : 
15100 $ and about 100 ft dive deep. 

3.) Sub with custom made shell : 
15101 $ and about 1000 ft dive deep.  

Dive deep versus the Dollars : 

No.1.) 152 Dollar per feet
No.2.) 161 Dollar per feet
No.3.)  16 Dollar per feet... 

Saving the welding ? Good luck with a propane tank sub 
without welded frames and with a tower and keel fix to 
the hull with - glue ? 

Extra cost for the welding wire ? 
Hmm - a 18 Kg (40 pound) drum cost about 20 dollar here ..

You need about 3 % of the steel weight for the welding wire.
One drum should be reach for a hole one/two person sub and it seems 
all you can save is a cycle welding for the one endcap you don't 
remove from the propane tank and one longitudinal weld.. 

Hmm - seems you save 3 hours for the longitudinal weld and 4 hours
for the cycle weld - but you waste 2 hours to cut one endcap from
the propane tank and give some extra hours for cleaning and 
sandblasting the old colour away.. .. you have to spent some 
extra money for more lead you need - because your propane tank 
shell is so light.. 

Another point: 

If you spent money for a good custom made hull - and save 
maybe money on the other equipment during building your sub 
- you can later spent additional money to purchase better 
or additional equipment - and you will get a better sub. 

If you purchase a cheap propane tank - to save money during 
construction - later no money, no time and even no better 
equipment will help to make the sub better. 

So again - what do you save - really ? 

see you - Carsten

HeyCLOWNeY@aol.com schrieb:
> a 500 gallon propane tank where i live(long island) is 1100.00 new,,a used
> one in what looks like perfect condition is 250.00 delivery included,,if the
> ethyl mercaptan could be removed with out a big deal,,it would be quite a
> savings