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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane tanks

Ya know, this is the same subject, pretty much as what I found in
another forum I frequent.  Safety versus cost.  In the other forum it's
involving the improvisation of reserve air tank for hookah diving.  This
one guy said that a tank designed for it is about $45 while he could
make one out of PVC for $23.  Ok, sounds great.  Might work.  But, if it
doesn't work, is that $22 worth the possibility of losing your life?  Of
course not.  

Same thing with propane tanks.  I won't come down on anyone or the idea
of propane tank as a submarine.  Hell, I had that crazy thought running
through my head when I was a young kid, and it still comes up
periodically.  Probrobly because a propane tank does resemble a
submarine somewhat.  

In the end it's far cheaper to build a sub from scratch than to use a
used propane tank.  Cause if it crushes, and you survive, you may soon
find that the lucky ones die.  The rehabilitation is not only quite
expensive, but very painful.

Lew Clayman wrote:
> --- Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM> wrote:
> > Hi Lew,
> >
> > However we pointed out all the pit falls not to keep you from using
> > a propane tank but to let you know what to watch out for. Propane
> > tanks can be used if you know what you are doing and consider it worth it.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ray
> Understood.  This is not by any stretch of the imagination a list full of
> naysayers!  But, a certain amount of caution... well, the life you save could
> be your own, f'cryin' out loud.
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