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Re: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sub bouyancy


Kittredge does NOT recommend using propane tanks. Fabricating a hull from
plate steel really isn't that much more expensive and saves you having
to cut the propane tank in half to get the ribs inside.


> Content-return: allowed
> Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 13:16:48 -0600
> From: "Nicholas A. Dame" <damen@uwplatt.edu>
> Subject: Re: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sub bouyancy
> X-Sender: DameN
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
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> I am in the same boat as you Bill, I am also planning to build a sub out of a 
propane tank, but does anyone know of who has plans for such a thing beside the 
kittredge subs.  Would those plans even work?
>     Nick