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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: AIP [air independant propulsion]

Here's a few links for those interested in the H2O2


This one is a small copter that uses H2O2 jets at the
tips of the props.  It looks as if this one would use
lots of peroxide.


This one is to an H2O2 propulsion workshop.  Lot's of
reading.  Comes out of the UK.

That thermite is a scary proposition.  Considering how
hot that stuff burns what would you do if you had a
meltdown?  I'd be bending over to kiss my butt
goodbye.  The heat from the 'reactor' would do one of
two things.  If it was in the cabin, it would cause
the air to expand very quickly plus I would think that
it would suck up all the O2.  Both seems dangerous
enough to me to put that idea on the backburner if not
off the stove outright.  If the 'reactor' is outside
the cabin in it's own pressure hull it could possibly
heat the water to boiling in your area.  I understand
the warmer the water the less dense it is and the less
bouyancy needed to sink.  It could possibly cause you
to drop to crush depth?  Seems unlikely but the idea
has to be considered.  Also, if when it meltsdown and
releases LOTS of gas bubbles that could cause you to
sink further.  Bubbles in your water reduces its
density.  That could be bad especially if its attached
to your ship and you bring the 'bubbler' with you. 
You could go much deeper than you intended quite
quickly.  Sobering thoughts for me. 

Just my two cents worth.

Ron Mills

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