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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: AIP [air independant propulsion]

morning Sir..:-)),

some years ago I saw a TV-reportage about batteries storing the power in a blue liquid. Only needs to change the liquid and go ahead! the liquid can be regenerated. I´m not sure but I think it was from an australien University. The blue liquid looks like Water with blue ink and I try to remember ...it contains some kind of mangan-oxid ore so... 

Are there Somebody how knows more about it?


In a message dated Thu, 25 Oct 2001  6:05:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten Standfuß) writes:

> Yes Sir ! 
> I was on a Hydrogen/Fuel cell show last week at Hamburg. 
> Everything is existing - including a running Transport Van 
> in Hamburg as first unit under normal working conditions.
> The only problem is: 
> If I ask the manager of the different car companys
> at which time they are on the market - they answers : 2004 
> If a ask the engineers of the same companys they
> answers : oh, well, hmm ähh maybe about 2008-2010. 
> At the moment the price is also a problem ..
> CSSX will run underwater at any deep about 3 times longer with 
> a fuel cell with hydrogen and oxygen in gas storage bottles
> than with conventional drive batteries for fork lifts at the same 
> space. 
> see you - Carsten
> Walter Starck schrieb:
> > 
> > Fuel cell technology is now quite advanced and eminently more efficient
> > and suitable for this purpose than any form of power derived from
> > generation of heat.
> > 
> > Walter Starck
> > Golden Dolphin Video CD Magazine
> > www.goldendolphin.com