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[PSUBS-MAILIST] AIP [air independant propulsion]

Ack, there I go again...  Some ideas on the psubs website got me going.. and it's driving me nuts.  

We have stuff that can generate heat without air.  it's called thermite.  i konw the idea verges on stupidity....  But I can't get it out of my head.  If we have a source of heat, we can make propulsive power from it.  run a sterling engine, run a steam turbine, run whatever......  Given that the thermite is in pellets, it could even be throttled and managed to run for a signifigantly long period of time.  

does anyone have the equasions handy that would tell us the kind of energy released in a thermite reaction?  I'm wondering if it would even produce enough energy to be worth the risk...  Actually that's a thought.  the risk wouldn't be THAT great if you kept the chamber the thermite was in at sea pressure.....  Well i'm listening to any thoughts on the subject.