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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub Safety (was: Underwater Anchor System)

Hi Ed,

But now, on a p-sub?

 As our "hobby" becomes more and more popular, safety must always
be at the forefront if this wonderful sport is going to flourish.
 What, as you mention, would be tactically inappropriate, it could be
our equivalent of the ballistic parachute on microlight aircraft and lend
that certain extra security needed to get someone on the edge to take the
 Since most p-subs operate above 500 feet, do you see the depth as a problem
with properly designed lift bags?


Ed Greany wrote:

> Doc,
> Without giving away military secrets, I'll tell you why the government
> doesn't do it. The same reason we used to weld the escape buoys to the
> deck and paint them black over the international orange. After all, they
> won't work in deep water as we already discussed. Simply put, the
> subsafe systems don't include a lot of safety rescue stuff so they won't
> accidently (or intentionally) be activated and give away the boats
> position. Some subs have covert maneuvers and others have stragetic
> positions to launch weapons during a crisis. How would it look if the
> sub had a trailing balloon with or without their knowledge? At very
> least, it would require releasing it somehow and that would also be a
> DEAD giveaway that the boat is/was there or in the vicinity.
> The best plan is continual disaster training aboard ship and drills to
> perfect ones immediate and without thought automatic reaction to a
> problem.
> Ed
> Thomas A. Rowe wrote:
> >
> > Good call! Thought about that one quite a bit myself,  JPEG image
> > 720x511 pixels this is how I imagine it might look.
> > Don't know why the Government guys didn't think of something like this
> > a long time ago, sure would save a lot of lives.
> >
> > Doc