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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New Technology: Power source and engine

Great info Eliezer, thanks!

Sea's the Day


Eliezer Rodriguez wrote:

> Hi;
> I have always imagined to someday have or see a sub independant of  port
> re-fulling more like the one in the Jules Verne novel 20000 Leagues Under
> the Sea, and even as Captain Nemo said "The sea provides me everything" this
> can be true indeed. But, looking at new technology breakthroughs, makes me
> realize that it is possible in our near future for this to become a reality.
> The main challenge I always forseen for this is to have a cheap, but
> readilly available power and a more effective engine for propulsion which
> has to be compatible with the power source.
> First of all, when we think of the need for an everlasting power to move
> around, cook, have lights and to power life support systems thesolution thea
> pops up is nuclear power. Nuclear power is obviously far from our reach and
> even the reactor's uranium has to be replenished. Obviously fosil fuels are
> expensive and unless you have a oil rig refinery at sea the possibility are
> zero. Hydrogen, even with its dangers in handling and storage, has
> advantages as follows:
> a) It is the most abundant resource in our planet (in fact, in the
> universe).
> b) Non-pollutant
> c) Cheap (even though the process to have hydrogen and oxygen from water
> isn't, the raw materials for the process, sun and sea water, are free).
> d) Provides oxygen.
> Technology still is trying to invent a perpetual hydrogen engine to provide
> all of human energy needs but I just found today this link from a company
> that sells a system in which produces hydrogen by demand which really could
> be the first step to tame this energy source ( http://www.powerball.net/ )
> The second aspect is to find a more efficient engine than can convert this
> energy to mechanical or electrical use. Then, just by mistake I found out
> that a new revolutionary engine has been developed and can be used for this
> purpose ( http://quasiturbine.promci.qc.ca/QTIndex.html ).
> Maybe is not far away the time when any of us could not only explore the
> seas with our own sub but, able to explore beyound the limits of our present
> situation.
> Eliezer Rodriguez
> "The only thing in life to fear is fear itself."
org:TARCO Research;Design and Development
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note:Beneath the surface Flies the Future
fn:Thomas "Doc" Rowe