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In a message dated 9/4/2001 3:05:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Asmyth@changepoint.com writes:

<< While we're on the topic of toilets and grills, there's something I've
 puzzled about for a while; subs with air conditioning. Over the years I've
 seen a number of subs written up as having air conditioning, especially
 tourist subs. Surely this is only needed on the surface, if at all? I can't
 help think it might just be something the tour operators feel is mandatory
 in a brochure. Sort of like the hotels with impossible swimming pools built
 tight next to a roaring, stinky highway. 
 Is there any "real" need for AC?
 - Alec
Hey, Alec. Just back from vacation and sorting the mail. Yikes. And yes, 
there is plenty of need for AC, especially on tourist subs where 3-4 dozen 
pairs of lungs are pumping moisture into the system. Also on subs with really 
good insulation, such as the JSLs or the Jules subs in France. The acrylic 
spheres make dandy insulators. I can attest to that.