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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Toilets

But here is the true story about U 1206 (source Brennecke, Jäger -
Gejagte, 1939-1945 page 335-338, print in 1956..) 

During the WWII one problem fits the german U-boot's: 
The time they have to stay deep underwater gets longer and longer
because of the heavier ship and air patrols of the enemy. Unfortunatly
the toilets they normaly use working on a simple 2 valve system only in
shallow water deeps. For this reasion the designed a new WC system which
worked also under deep water pressure and fit this system to the late
VIIC boats. 

U 1206 was one of this subs. Unfortunatly this system was so complicate
to handle - so navy write a handbook how to handle and send one man of
each new boat to school. He get a ediucation as "WC waste disposal unit
manager" or as the crew say the "shit-man". Everbody must use the help
of this man if he use the system under deep pressure. 

On 14.04.1945 U 1206 was underway near the GB E coast and acording to
the enemey subcaser ship there it was long time in greater deep around 
200 feet. Everything was in best running order. Unfortunatly the 
commander Schlitt was a little to proud to ask the "shit-man" for help 
- so he read the manuel - desided that he understand it and use the 
WC System. But something went wrong - and the first engineer send the 
shit-man to the toilet. There was a little confiusin between both mans 
and the shit-man open the outside vale at the time the inside vale was
still open and both people were hit by a havy "mans leg strong" 6 bar
shit and
waterrush. The Fist engineer ordered the sub to periskop deep and there
the two mens in the small toilet compartment managed to close the right
Unfortunatly a greater amount of water gets into the sub and find ther
way to the batteries (which stay in a compartment direct under the WC
compartment) and produce quick - clorine gases. 
The commander ordered for surfacing and open the sail hutch with his
last power. 
The air blower started working and fresh air gets into the sub and the
clorine gives way - in this moment - and before the crew managed to use
there Antiaircraft-guns - the Aircraft bombs detonate near the sub. It
was heavily dammaged and unable to dive - so the commander ordered "crew
get out". 

I think it was the only german submarine which were sunk by there own
toilet system. 

Psubs Members with a own sub living on the British E Coast 
can visit the wreck - I have the position here in my database. 


Lew Clayman schrieb:
> --- "Michael B. Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu> wrote:
> > And to U-1206's crew in 1945, it resulted in time in a British
> > prison camp.  The skipper, Kptlt. Schlitt, had trouble with the
> > head, which resulted ultimately in taking in water through the
> > valve.  The boat filled with water.
> -Lew
> =====
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>           - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)
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