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Re: Fw: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Ballast Tank design

On Sgt.Peppers I have three valves. One is the exhaust valve 
(marked "Down") for the side saddle tanks. Both are connected 
together by two (at bow and at stern) crossing pipes. The other
one is the connection vale from the air bottle pressure reducer on the 
medium presssure wire of the scuba bottle - this vale (marked "Up")
connect the medium pressure wire with the exhaust piping system. 
The third one is the high pressure bottle valve - its normaly open. 

Diving : Open the air exhaust valve until the tanks are flooded, 
trim the bow and stern with the body up and down so the last bubbles
out. Even the exhaust piping system is flooded now. 

Surfacing: Close the exhaust vale - open the medium air presssure 
vale - wait until sound indicates that bubbles leave the boat 
from the bottom holes of the side tanks. There is a big S curve
in the pipeing system in front of the air valve - so no seawater 
can contact this valve. 

There are no saftey vales at the entrance of the pipeing to the hull. 
For this reason a make the pipes very small - just about 6 mm (1/4inch)
inside diameter. The result is a long time before the boat dive - 
about 4 minutes - and some saftey time if a pipe or the exhaust valve
has a failture. Please note that your need security valves on each pipe 
entrance/exit to the hull according to the clasification rules..  

A system with one additional regulator tank needs at least 
two more valves. 

For a double seater - all valves should be operated by hand 
by one operator. 

If you wish to build a one way sub - Control the (magnet-) valves via a 
laptop computer and a Windows 98 programm. "Main failture at the valves 
control programm at adress 1245dfd- 4556rtz - please contact your local
Mircosoft dealer - or die." 

At the CSSX sub the air pressure valves will be also hand contol, but 
the exhaust valves will get electro-hydraulic remote controls. 


Floridarobots@aol.com schrieb:
> Carten
> Thanks for the reply I will look up the items you mentioned. I will
> also post
> my design up here in JPG or DXF. By the way thanks for the compliment
> on our
> boats....Im proud. My design will be a metal ship, I dont think its
> feasible
> to even try a 1000 foot ship with FRP. Another ballast question:
> How are the majority of submersibles designed as far as Ballast
> control? I
> mean how are the ballast tank valves opened and closed ? Manually? Air
> controlled? Please advise.... I am not talking about controlling the
> trim,yaw,pitch, but specifically what type controls actually open the
> valves
> themselves....
> Tom Mitzlaff