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Re: Fw: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Blowing ballast (was: question about general design?)

Remember that Mercury is a VERY toxic substance and something we don't want
in the water. How about lead bird shot. It will work with a large valve and
the toxicity isn't anywhere near as bad as mercury and much less expensive.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carsten Standfuß" <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Blowing ballast (was: question about
general design?)

> CSSX will get 3 drop weights made from steel plates
> about 80 mm (3,2inch) thick and each 1,3 t heavy. Structure
> and price reasons for steel here.
> The internal fix ballast will be also made from steel bars
> (and not lead) for price and health reasons.
> Sgt.Peppers keel has a mixture of steel and lead bars and plates.
> lead was only use at the bow end for trimming porpose.
> Mercury in old scuba bottles is nice choise.
> My suba bottle (10 Liters) filled with mercury will be
> two times my own weight.. Mercury has a 1,2 point greater
> density than lead or 1.7 to steel. But is really expensive..
> Two old scuba air bottles, one in the bow and one in the stern
> a pipe and a pump - ready is a very compact trimming system.
> And in emergency as last hope you can drop the mercury by only
> opening a valve.
> Lew Clayman schrieb:
> >
> > --- Greg Cotton <gregc02@attglobal.net> wrote:
> > > In other words, use ALL rebar. A big chunk of iron is THREE times
better that
> > > rock or concrete and about 66% as good as lead...and a whole lot
> >
> > ... and soft steel IS reasonably benign, as far as I've heard.  Rusts
away, causing little
> > trouble.  Certainly wrecks are beloved by reef-dwelling species.
> >
> > Might be a good choice, Birkenstock-wise
> >
> > =====
> > "Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
> >           - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)
> > =====
> >
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