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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Stiffener question

Hmmm, what is this? It looks like a fat jet with thrusters. A sub? If so I
assume the "wings" are ballast tanks, but they are so far back. And all that
space behind the crew? 

-----Original Message-----
From: MerlinSub@t-online.de [mailto:MerlinSub@t-online.de]
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 3:57 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Stiffener question

Hi Alec  and group .. enclosed the WMF test file Jet3a. 

I make some size test with this file: 

Orginal CAD size :  78 KB
as DXF           : 482 KB
as WMF           : 216 KB
as JPG           :  47 KB 

and that means all files to big for the mail list. 
Than I change the file to black and white ..
as DXF still     : 482 KB, 

during conversation to the other files I reduce 
the coulors again two just two.

as JPG           :  50 KB !
(the progamm told me : to save as JPG the coulor has to raise to 264
or so coulors - the picture looks still b/w but has more KB as in

but as WMF       :  29 KB !! 

We should send WMF files in two coulors b/w - but it is still 
a hard figure to limit the drawing down to this size. 

I press the send button and realize that the email file was 
raise to 42 KB - over the border. So I am shure it will not survive..  

I reduce the plain text in the Email again and hope its now under the

But It was exact 40 KB and not visible on the mail list after hours. 

So I converted it again to BMP format with 26 KB for the attachment -
this work. 

Result enclosures, Carsten