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Re: Answers to some emails was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] locations

--- Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> crash down ) was converted from my father later to a the outside holder 
> (don't now the right word ) for a replica of a selfmade japanese
> sworth..  

The word in English is "sheath" or "scabbard"
> If you want to build a Psubs submarine - and you are not shure what 
> your wife is thinking about that - ask for the coulor for the sub - 
> If the she answers like : "Red will be great" (or blue, or green or 
> any other coulor) - start the next day.. 
> If the answer is something like : A submarine - your are a crazy foul
>  - looking for another coulor.. or another wife. 

Or wait six weeks and ask for permission to name it after her.  She'll either agree or else leave
on her own...

> My next sub will be blue - Sabine wanted this coulor..

You're a very wise man, Carsten.  Make it a very nice blue.


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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