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Answers to some emails was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] locations
Hi Ray - make just a new line in the headline of the pages on the
Psubs picture Gallery of the CSSX description just under
the builders line like :
Contact: Merlinsub@t-online.de
Will be fine with me. If somebody contact me - I can later
answer and give him my adress and phone number - or not.
If somebody wants to flame me - seems not a great problem - I am far
away from all others group members.. My best friend in this group
is in New Zealand..
If you want a convention in Germany - I will organize everything ..
Vance - you want to see the North Sea again ? What to hell did you doing
in the 70ies/80ies Offshore subs - zigarettes holes in your bomber pilot
jacket .. You smoke in the subs ? Your burn holes in your second pilot
Ps.: I like the North Sea - you find the wrecks easy - just smash with
your sub
against them - visibility is about 2 - 4 meters..
My fighter pilot leader jacket (- use from age 14 to 21 with just only
crash down ) was converted from my father later to a the outside holder
(don't now the right word ) for a replica of a selfmade japanese
I must be crazy - I work 12 hours a day during my holidays on
a 57 t midget sub - than I write 2 hours answers to emails during
midnight - my wife must be also crazy - she still loves me - and still
thinking that CSSX will be a great item.
Big D. - still on the wire ?
If you want to build a Psubs submarine - and you are not shure what
your wife is thinking about that - ask for the coulor for the sub -
If the she answers like : "Red will be great" (or blue, or green or
any other coulor) - start the next day..
If the answer is something like : A submarine - your are a crazy foul
- looking for another coulor.. or another wife.
My next sub will be blue - Sabine wanted this coulor..
John - give my best regards to Monica - she is the only wife I realize
- working real on a sub !
60 Emails a day - Psubs stops my owm sub project..
I was alone with my idears about subs - most people around me thinking
insurance rates and similar items - than I found Psubs .. and feel home.
I am shure that the internet will speed up good idears-
I have seen more good idears about submarines in two years of
WWW.Psubs.org than in all of my submarines books.
regards Carsten - home in Europe - the area were the ships
started to discover America..
"John R. Farrington" schrieb:
> I'll jump in and volunteer to assemble a file with everyone's
> location. Last time this was brought up there was just a bunch
> of e-mails posted to the list and I don't believe anything ever
> was assembled.
> So, if you want to be on a published list, send me a note
> directly to "jrf@austin.ibm.com" with a subject line of
> "My Location" and I'll put you in the list.
> Note: Please do not respond with all of this info to the list.
> (It tends to clutter up people's mailboxes). Thanks.
> Perhaps let me know where you are, preferred contact method, and
> your psub 'status'. (Interested in subs, plan to build, are
> building, have built, presently own, etc). I'll see if I can
> assemble a list for the group.
> -John Farrington