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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Psub shop class

Ray Keefer wrote:
> > Speaking of shop class, I wonder if a school system might be
> > interested in having kids work on a psub?  As a teaching
> > method and as a marketing tool.
> The kids would love it!

Yeah, but ....
> I can't imagine any school administrator allowing it. They are
> responsible for the kid's safety and none of them would stick their
> neck out that far. Shut up kids, do as you are told, fit the mold
> and don't cross that zero thinking err... tolerance line.

I can see all that happening.  Even if the kids never got
to dive in the sub, just working on it would warp them for

Oh, well.  I guess I'll settle for warping my kids and the son
of a very dear lady...

> It is possible to sell the administration on a ROV project. As long as
> it didn't cost them anything and one of their teachers got involved.

Has this been done recently?
