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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] locations

Hi John,

After a couple weeks please send me the list. I'll add it to the website.

Eveyone, this will be public information. Consider what you want
to have listed.


> Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 15:12:12 -0500
> From: "John R. Farrington" <jrf@austin.ibm.com>
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re:  [PSUBS-MAILIST] locations
> I'll jump in and volunteer to assemble a file with everyone's
> location.  Last time this was brought up there was just a bunch
> of e-mails posted to the list and I don't believe anything ever
> was assembled.
> So, if you want to be on a published list, send me a note
> directly to "jrf@austin.ibm.com" with a subject line of
> "My Location" and I'll put you in the list.
> Note:  Please do not respond with all of this info to the list.
>        (It tends to clutter up people's mailboxes).  Thanks.
> Perhaps let me know where you are, preferred contact method, and
> your psub 'status'.  (Interested in subs, plan to build, are
> building, have built, presently own, etc).  I'll see if I can
> assemble a list for the group.
> -John Farrington