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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Center of gravity Vs. Center of Bouyancy

Hi Adam,

>From the Glossary page:

Center of Bouyancy (B)
                Is the geometrical center of the underwater volume
                and the point through which the total force due to
                bouyancy may be considered to act vertically upwards.

Center of Gravity (G)
                Is the point in a body in which the total weight
                of the body may be considered to be acting 
                vertically downward.
A few ways to get books if you are out in the sticks are:

1. Web page book sellers like www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com.
2. Go to your library. They probably won't have what you need but they
   should be able to identify the publisher. Ask for help. Librarians are
   supposed to be trained at researching material and tracking down sources.
3. Order it direct from the publisher or agency.
4. Ebay and/or other auctions.
5. Beg, borrow, steal ( well not steal )....
6. Go to a book store. They should be able to identify the publisher and
   order it for you.   

I find the biggest hinderence to getting books isn't finding the sources,
but finding the cash.          

> X-Envelope-From: adamnr@netrover.com
> X-Envelope-To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> From: "Adam" <adamnr@netrover.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Center of gravity Vs. Center of Bouyancy
> Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 08:31:10 -0400
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
> Hi,
> Thanks for the responses on the active SONAR guys.
> Now, I haven't purchased a principles of sub-design book yet because they are 
kinda hard to get where I live.  So here is a rudementry question.
> What is the difference between center of gravity and center of bouyancy?