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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about general design?

I have seen it slightly different way.



Carsten Standfuß wrote:
> Captain Nemo schrieb:
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Carsten Standfuß" <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
> > To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 7:34 AM
> > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about general design?
> >
> > > "Expensive subs not automaticly good"
> > >
> > > Carsten
> >
> > "Inexpensive subs not automatically bad"
> "Fast and quick build sub not automatically fast but maybe quick
> diver.."
> another one :
> "If a submarine works great - in general it looks also good."
> "If a submarine looks great its not automatically works good.."
> The Alvin expirence : "Shut the hatch before you dive.."
> The - Hamster - ball - bottom - sub - real - moment - of - inertia :
> here Crash Stop way : (be carefull - this is not real maths - is just a
> estimate - quick and dirty calculation - ..)
> Diameter : estimate 2 meter (6,55 feet)
> Volume  : 3,1415/6 x D x D x D or 0,5235 x D³
>         : here 4,1887 m³
> Mass    : in seawater with a mass of 1,025 x 4,1887 = 4,293 metric t
>           equal to 4,293/1,016 = 4,22 ts at zero bouancy.
>           equal to 42930 Newton
> Estimate speed : 1 km/h (3280 feet/hour)
>                 equal to 1000 m/h or 16,7 m/min
>                 or 0,277 m/sec (0,9 feet/sec)
> Power : 42930 N x 0,277 m/sec = 11892 Watt or - 12 KW -
> stored power in the mass moment of inertia.
> Power of two person going a step of 1 feet by 1 feet
> estimate with :
> Weight 2 x 75 kg = 150 kg or 1500 Newton
> 1500 Newton x 0,3 m = 450 Watt or 0,45 Kw.
> Now I make a milkcan calculation  :-)
> 12 kw / 0,45 Kw = 26,7 steps stopway
> Distance full stop = 26,7 x 0,3 m = 8 meters or 26 feet.
> Good look - nice experience - especially if the seabottom
> is not flat..
> I have seen a wooden heavy plywood water surface wheel
> during a waterbike regatta race between the
> european naval/shipbuilding-students.
> Two person run this monster - more or less impossible to change
> the direction - you have to stop the thing before you can change
> the direction - if not and you turn you body direction just a little
> the stored power of the inertia came from the side of you body -
> - and the wheel move quickly all the times from a
>   Hamster ball to a washing machines.
> Even at start or stop manovers.
> Both person goes all the time "arm in arm" to make excat the same
> steps - during the first run they don't do this
> - if one runs - the other went over board or fall down..
> We took the about 0,4 t wheel later onshore - turn at 90 degree to
> the ground and use it as beer bar..
> This wheel was a great fun for - the visitors.
> see you - Carsten
> >
> > Pat