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Hamsters and people have 1 thing in common they can both drown and I have
never seen a hamster wheel made for the bath tub.  In my opinion I still
think it is a bad idea.  Were already talking two shells windows then window
covers this thing is going to way a ton be very bulky and very very hard to
push.  As for the training wheels idea they would easily get stuck in the
mud. Remember were not talking a smooth surface.  And what if you were
rolling along and during one of your blind spots you rolled over a big cliff
or steep hill.  Then what you just hold on?  I really rather not experience
that.  The biggest concern that someone made was of it getting stuck in the
mud the circle would cause suction.  And how would you design a good escape
hatch?? You have an inner circle and an outer circle say there only a few
feet apart.  In order to get in or out there would have to be a hatch on
each one.  And what are the chances of in an emergency or even just trying
to get in that they are going to line up???  I rather not take the chance of
being "stuck" and having to some how get the hatches together.  If someone
can design a sure fire way to get in and out that to me now is going to be
the biggest problem.  But as I have learned so far someone always comes up
with a good idea that's what I like about this group.

                                            Matt Cadieux
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lew Clayman" <lew_clayman@yahoo.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: sub

> --- "Michael B. Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu> wrote:
> > Good legs are their own reward.
> On hamsters as on people.
> =====
> "Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
>           - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)
> =====
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