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--- Matt Cadieux <compkid15@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I personally think that the hamster ball idea is good but not that
> practical. I think the biggest problem would be even in you could build it
> is the fact that you wouldn't have a constant field of view. So you would
> driving(or walking blind) part of the time. To me that seems a little
> dangerous. And if you put a lot of windows I still think the impact of the
> windows on the sea floor would cause damage over time.
Yeah, been thinking about this one. Could use sacrificial plexiglass outer lenses outside the
pressure-ports. Like a zero-filter to protect a 35mm camera lens. Sacrificial covers get all the
scratches, relace as needed. Maybe use on inside too.
Kludgey, but doable.
"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
- Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)
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