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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Which Through-Hull?


I've just recently joined the mailing list (I was ecstatic to discover a 
forum for private submersible builders!), and have been interested to read 
your through-hull recommendations.  This is one area that I've struggled 
with in my attempts to work out submersible designs.  (The closest I've ever 
come to building anything like this was my underwater video housing that 
I've used successfully to 100 fsw, but it has been my dream for over 25 
years to build a manned submersible.)

Your latest message in the thread described the external "J-can" approach 
that you are using on the DW2000.  I've wondered about doing something like 
this myself, but with the variation of eliminating the through-hull 
altogether by using either optical or magnetic digital signalling through a 
transparent port.  From what I've seen on the PSubs web site, it seems 
likely that any idea I've had has already been considered once, if not many 
times, by others before me, so I am curious to know if you've considered 
this approach, and what you think of its merits?

Thanks for your time,

Brian S. Rickard

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