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--- TeslaTony@aol.com wrote:
> Some things to consider about spherical subs that you can stand up in: 
> Average height is about 5'10", and since you want some head clearance it 
> should be minimally be 6'0", if not taller. Add 6' to the hull thickness 
> (figure 2 inches for acrylic, 1/4" or so for steel), which means it'll be a 
> good-sized ball and displace a lot of water, and of course you'll need to 
> compensate for that by adding weight-a couple tons of it-which means you will 
> get quite a workout moving it around. You should also consider how to get the 
> thing to surface (double hull, maybe?) and life support that won't get 
> underfoot while walking around.

Consider instead a vertical disk, same diameter as above but perhaps 2' wide.  Greatly decreases
displacement.  Trouble if it falls over... external "training wheels" might solve this.

Also could use steel "hubs", "edges", still have transparent treads & side windows.  Something
like this (excuse ascii graphics):
    _ _ _             _ _ _
  /       \          |     |
 /         \         |     |
|    @@@    |        |     |
|   @@|@@   |       /|     |\
|    @|@    |      / |     | \
 \    |    /      /  |     |  \
  \ _(0)_ /      ()  |_ _ _|  ()

side view            front/top view

> Now the upsides to this thing would be: 1) It would just plain be really 
> cool-possibly cooler than Pat's NAUTILUS. 2) With an acrylic hull the 
> visibility would be GREAT, it would be almost impossible to tell where the 
> water ended and the air began. 3) With a bit of creativity I think it just 
> might be possible. 4) It's so different from anything else I've heard of 
> someone is bound to find some new oddball use for it that you never even 
> imagined.
> Best of luck with it!

Yes and yesssssss.


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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