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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Which Through-Hull?

Hi, Joe (not Shin):
        Sure, aluminum is fine - just harder to find largish diameter NPT
fittings in aluminum - except for conduit fittings which are a little thin
wall for this purpose - also the electolytic cell situation if screwed into
mild steel and the problem of galling if screwed into stainless - all
over-comeable, tho'.
        Frequency of pressure test? I would test much deeper than working
depth 'cause very easy to do . . .when you have a standard thread at one
end - then check it when you do a major on the sub. I have some fittings of
this sort that I made in the late 60's that were still going strong when
the system ( deep camera/strobes) were replaced 25 years later.
Phil Nuytten