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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hot off the scanner, Bionic Beach Bash Party pic links

Hi Lew,

We haven't done the reverse somersault yet but we have worked out the logistics of the maneuver,
we just need a bit more horse power for that one.
 It does however echolocate with the help of a Garmin side-scan sonar which we are planning to
modify for surround sound, and we have gotten very close to a flukewalk but without the ball.
The first prototype actually did have a set of blowholes but their position prevented extended
cruising just below the surface, so we moved it to the top of the dorsal. (perhaps our biologic
counterparts will adapt this change in future evolutions)

 I must also set the record straight, although I feel a close kinship with cetaceans, 90% of my
developmental research on this project was on diving birds, in particular penguins.

Sea's the Day


P.S, Don't cry Lew, I'm still taking on apprentices and so are my graduated apprentices.
Just look what Rob Innes has achieved in just 3 years. I'm so proud of him! and now
he is ready to teach.

Lew Clayman wrote:

--- "Thomas A. Rowe" <doc@bionicdolphin.com> wrote:
>  I just had to get them up, I'll be doing all the cropping and post them in a more
> web friendly 72dpi with thumbnails on the BionicDolphin website in a few days.

I certainly understand the need for speed on this one, you have the right to brag!

So tell me, can you make it do reverse somersaults through a hoop, does it echolocate, can it
flukewalk while balancing a beachball?  ;-)  It makes me cry with envy.

So the dorsal hides a snorkel... no blowhole then, huh?  (That's a joke, not a design criticism)

I'll stop now.  My aforenoted love of cetacea is showing...


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          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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note:Beneath the surface Flies the Future
fn:Thomas Rowe