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--- Captain Nemo <vulcania@interpac.net> wrote:
> www.jul.com/about.html

I'll look into that, thanks.
> Probably one of the easiest submersibles to build: a simple pressure hull (a
> tank with windows) with some form of buoyancy-compensating ballast;
> removably situated, say,  a couple feet below the stern of the boat with an
> access tube leading to the surface.  Run some ducts to it, force surface air
> through them with the fan blower from an automotive air-conditioning system,
> toss in the mattress from a chaise-lounge, take along your favorite beverage
> and snacks, and there you go: instant sea-observatory.

Yes, this was my assumption: it moves under the mothership's power, holds it's depth by being
attached to the mothership, and takes air exchange from the surface - many complexities eliminated
(and with them of course the associated freedoms).  I was musing more on a fixed keel into which
one could descend without detaching anything save a hatch.  A sailboat about 20' long might have a
keel two feet deep and eight feet long - make it hollow and a smidge wider than one would
ordinarily make it and put a window on the front: an oversimplification, but not an impossibility
based on some back-of-the-envelop figgering.  It would need some ballast to compensate for the
displacement but now we're talking sailboat talk, not submarine talk. 
> >And lately, I've been wondering if it would be possible to build a psub out
> of plywood.   >-Lew
> I saw an article about one that was made out of about 150 annular discs of
> 3/4" plywood, each a little bigger or smaller than the adjacent disc, and
> bonded together.  Visualize a football that's been run lengthwise through
> the meat slicer at the butcher shop, and glued back together.  The hull
> walls were something like four or six inches thick.  I read that the builder
> claimed the thing was pretty strong, and capable of operating at 100 FSW or
> thereabouts.  I dunno, though.  I like steel, myself.

The epoxy bill alone scares me on that one!!  


"Balee haih-aih ha-hutcha see,  
 Sanana na hutcha heah." 
          - Marvin Gaye

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