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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] pressure hull parts arrived

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Buchner" <buchner@wcta.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] pressure hull parts arrived

>By the way: I've seen that one can get forklift attachments that fit the
3-point hitch on the rear of many tractors.

Hi David of Osage!

Sounds good if you have a tractor; but I don't.

 >I think I've also seen them for the front thingy on a bobcat.

Don't have one of them, either.

 >That would be more versatile and useful than a dedicated forklift

If I worked on a farm; which I don't.  ;-)

 >- which can't do anything but lift things up and down, sit around being
heavy, and get stuck if you drive off edge of the pavement.

Au contraire, mon frere!  A forklift is a wonderful piece of equipment for
the submarine builder!  It can lift heavy objects (sub builders have plenty
of those); move them around where they need to be (which we need to do a
lot) ; load, unload, and position heavy metal stock (a frequent activity);
and more.  Matter of fact: the old guy I bought a lot of my steel from back
in California had a boatyard; used a forklift to singlehandedly build a
crane barge, a two-story house; and a large metal warehouse: all by his
little old self!  Why, I've even seen pictures of Carsten using one on the
CSX project.  A forklift is definitely on my list of equipment to acquire.
