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In cartooning and other similar forms of graphic expression, vertical wavy lines are commonly used to depict a foul odor, and are usually shown rising from garbage cans, doggie-droppings, flatulent fannies, and the like.
Now, look at the new logo.  I'm sure those wavy vertical lines were intended to depict water surrounding the boat; but considering their more widely recognized implication (above), one might look at the new logo and visualize "stink lines" rising from the email address!  Not good!
I think the point that the sub is underwater would be conveyed just fine without those lines, and they should be deleted.  If you had to add anything extra, you might broaden the surface waveline two or three ripples on each side; and/or maybe put a few bubbles of varied sizes around the boat.
The new logo aint bad, but I really think you should 86 those vertical wavy lines; because as it stands now, Ray, it could be said that you're implying a new meaning to the term PSUBS (and remember, that's pronounced "pee-subs") other than what urine tending.  ;-)