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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Verbiage

--- "Michael B. Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu> wrote:
> What is significant is the continued failure to make the same
> sort of mistakes. 


I think that what you may have meant to say was something closer to, 
"What is significant is the continued failure to *AVOID* the same 
sort of mistakes."  

That be a more logical remark, I be thinking.

Please note that my use of "to be" be modelled on an older usage, and
not one that be (or might be) based upon a usage which be current 
among they that be young.

-Lew, who is wishing he had a personal submersible handy for 
a quick escape

"Take care of yourself.  We're all in this alone."
          - Lilly Tomlin

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