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[PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI: speedboat/sub


I thought this might be of interest.


> <us-national-security@pacbell.net> writes:
> British Navy to test stealth speedboat that turns into a submarine, by
> James Clark, Defence Correspondent
> (EXCERPT) BRITISH defence experts are to test a new speedboat that
> doubles as a submarine for covert attacks on ports and shipping moored
> in harbours.
> Designed to take special forces at speed to a target, then submerge to
> remain undetected before making a quick getaway, the craft has been
> commissioned for the US military.
> Sources close to the project confirmed last week that the "sub-boat"
> would be brought to Britain next month, where it will be tested by the
> Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (Dera) for use by the Special
> Boat Squadron, the navy'...
> 	U.S. and friendly nation laws prohibit fully reproducing 
> 	copyrighted material. In abidance with our laws this report 
> 	cannot be provided in its entirety. However, you can read it 
> 	in full today, 23 Jun 2001, at the following URL. (COMBINE 
> 	the following lines into your web browser.) The 
> 	subject/content of this report is not necessarily the 
> 	viewpoint of the distributing Library. This report is provided
> 	for your information. 
> http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2001/06/24/stinwenws01011.html?
> ---------------------------
>    Brooke Rowe
>    Associate Librarian
>    The American War Library
>    www.americanwarlibrary.com