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> > "White looks cheap."
> I think I know what you might mean, but I'd add that it depends on how it's
> done.  F.E.: The sub on the ATLANTIS logo is white, shaded in silver and
> grey, and looks clean, bright, fresh, and elegant.  A sparkling machine in
> prototype white.  Absolutely gorgeous; and (in our case) emblematic of the
> unique (often one-off) boats we build.

Yeah, I'm not fanatical about that objection.  But nothing makes a bumper sticker look cheaper
than lots of white.  White with shading is different - I was picturing a white sillouette or white
background when I wrote that.  It isn't reasonable, and it's just my opinion, but there ya go. 

Of course, white works fine on patches, T-shirts, etc.  Odd, but that's how I see it.

A minor point in any case!


"I am not religious man, but this I know:
 if there is a Hell, it has Karaoke Night."
          - Michael Palin 

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