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--- Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM> wrote:

My two cents worth...

> 3. Blue background base color. Is that navy blue or a light blue? Dark
>    blue was used at the web site but is that the better color for shirts?
>    Bumper stickers can be a dark blue but I would like to use the same color
>    everywhere.

IMHO, definately a darkish blue, maybe primary blue.  Speaks of "blue water" = depth, also shows
the yellow and white better than sky blues.  A yellow border wouldn't hurt none.

The white sub on primary blue, that's almost the Blue Peter flag.  That's a good thing, btw.

> 4. Does "PSUBS.ORG" need to be expanded to "WWW.PSUBS.ORG" so the viewer
>    will know it's on the web?

Good idea.

> 6. On the bumper sticker I can see the logo on the left side of the sticker
>    but what would be on the right? Have serveral with different sayings?
>    The one I would buy would have our mission statement on it, "To promote
>    and encourage...."

Keep it simple, not over 10 words, better if not over 5.  Bumper stickers are read by people who
should be watching the road!

"I am not religious man, but this I know:
 if there is a Hell, it has Karaoke Night."
          - Michael Palin 

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