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I donno, man.  I'm going through changes fast in my mind on this one.  Why
not yellow?  Too much like YELLOW SUBMARINE?  Yeah, maybe.  But I've got
about 20 T-shirts from the department that are dark blue with yellow
lettering, and that combination  does look good out there in the world.

But I'm withdrawing my "yellow sub image" idea: now I think if we did the
letters in yellow and the sub in white, on a blue background, it would look
a lot better.

OK, this is my absolute last post tonight; gotta do surgery on my computer
cable hookup.  Hope to be back up on the net....someday.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Muller" <smuller@iland.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: PSUB Logo

> > PLEASE!!!!. . . not yellow!!
> OK, How about red? green? The color doesn't really matter, as long as it
> is a recognizable Psub.
>    I think Pat had the right idea with;
> > (or bright gold)  PERRY CUBMARINE on a dark blue t-shirt,
> > hat, or bumper sticker would look good.  The words would look good in
> > color, too; or maybe red.
> Color blind, Stan in Mo.