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There you go! Keep it in the family.
Thanks for letting everyone know, Cory.
Perhaps you have some suggestons and can give an idea of cost too.


C Stratton wrote:
> List,
> I own an embroidery company, I could make up some shirts, jackets, caps
> or whatever for the group. Just need a logo to get started.
> Cory
> Stratton Design Studios
> www.strattondesignstudios.com
> Original Message dated 6/19/01, 3:16:16 PM
> Author: "Dale" <heinzind@cadvision.com>
> Re: :
> There are plenty of places around that make up shirts, and bumper
> stickers, and cups, and pens etc...  If we decide on a logo etc, e-mail
> it to me, and I can get prices.. there is a place almost next door to
> where I work, that does that.. I can get prices...
> dale