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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Gasses from batteries

Title: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Gasses from batteries
At 20:56 -0400 05/23/01, Subscuba@aol.com wrote:

For what it's worth:

During overcharge the electrolyte composed of a dilute solution of sulfuric
acid decomposes this electrolyte and gives off Oxygen at one plate and
Hydrogen at the other plate. The escaping gases also carry off small traces
of the sulfuric acid which is mostly what you smell.

The bad thing for a sub is that these gases Hydrogen and Oxygen form an
explosive mixture which when ignited go boom or in the case of the Shuttle
give propulsion. ......

Do I see the myth of the perpetual machine?
Breaking the molecule H20 or H2S04 to get H2 and 02 for the purpose of recombining them in a explosion to produce energy is a myth. Because the recombination produces less energy than it requires to produce the gazes.
In France we hang once in a while those who try to sell their "water" engines, at least they make laugh everybody.