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[PSUBS-MAILIST] An apology to the group...

Dear group,
                I was looking through th discussion archives today, as I often do, when I discoverd a couple of emails that were sent in reply to mine when I first joined the group (back during my days of solicitous rabble-rousing). I found these replies that gave detailed answers to my questions regarding Cousteau's 'Diving Saucer' and also they gave considerable detail regarding Yamato 1. It just so happens that I never recieved these emails. Had I recieved them then, I would have thanked those responsible - immediately and sincerely. Since I didn't do it then, I shall do it now. My most sincere thanks to all that offered information regarding the afore mentioned topics. Above all, my thanks go to Carsten StandfuB (sorry about the use of a 'B', it's the closest I can get) for providing such detail, even to an 'armchair submariner'. Thanks everyone.