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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new to this list - dry ambient sub??

Moin Marius, willkommen hier bei Psubs, 
Du solltest Dir wenn irgend möglich : 

Norbert Gierschner
Transpress Verlag, Berlin (DDR)

irgendwie gebraucht organisieren - oder via Bücherei oder Fernleine. 
Dürfte die meisten deiner Fragen beantworten. 

Gruss Carsten - the rest in this funny english language -or contact me

Marius Hillenbrand schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm a 16 year old young german (from the south of germany) and joined this
> discussion group only some days ago.
> The PSUBS organisation is really great !! I found very useful informations
> on the website www.psubs.org which helped me to get an overview about the
> topic.
> At the moment I'm reading Ulrich Gabler's "U-Bootbau" (submarine design)
> which covers many aspects and problems in designing submarines.
> Geographically I'm far away from deep lakes or even the sea - only small
> lakes with depths to 20 or 30 meters are in range. But that's enough to
> start with.
> The main requirement for me is a great view - to the surface, to both sides
> and last but not least to the ground.
> This could be achieved by a light - transparent - hull made of plastic (for
> example acryl).
> Can a hull of this material resist the pressure in the planned operating
> depth (max. 30m, reserve to perhaps 70m) ??
> With a pressure-compensated sub this wouldn't be a problem. If it operates
> wet, a small hole is enough to equal exterior and interior pressure.
> But I definitely want a dry sub - so I have to release pressurized air into
> the hull when I dive and leave air out to the water when I rise, right ??
> Has anyone designed or even realized such a "dry ambient sub" or does it
> make no sense (it may need too much air) ??
> Or am I just to careful and "over engineering", and a hull of paper would
> resist the pressure in 20m ;-)) ??
> Greetings,
> Marius Hillenbrand
> PS: I'm pretty sure my English isn't very well, we learn it at school but
> only practical experience can make you really familiar with a language
> --
> living a RISCy life
> PGP PublicKey: http://sites.inka.de/sirius/marius.key.asc