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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Another option...

Hi Stan,
           glad I could be of service! Enjoy the pursuit of excellence.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Stan Muller <smuller@iland.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Another option...

> Hi Rich,
>    Another option, and a good one. There are three reasons for going the
> hydraulic route; 1) Cheap, I have bought the 1 inch cylinders off of
> ebay at an average price of $8.00 each, buying them in pairs, I have a
> total of ten of them. 2) Infinite positioning. if I move the inside
> cylinder 1/2", the slave cylinder mover at the same speed and direction.
> 3) Complete emulation of the natural hand/arm movement, with no learning
> curve. A lesson learned in my ill spent youth trying to beat a hook
> machine. You know one of those things where you operate a drop hook
> trying to get a toy you could buy for a dime, and you only had to put in
> about 75 cents to finally grab it. ;-)
>    Your idea of using spring loaded solenoids, however is the answer for
> using on the capture jar and the specimen sucker that I want to build.
> They didn't lend themselves to the master / slave idea very well and the
> solenoid will much simplify there design since they are a open and shut
> action. 
>    I have to digress for a moment and say, "This forum is the best darn
> think tank I ever had the privilege of sitting in on". I certainly
> appreciate the feed back and I thank you all.
> Stan in Mo.