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[PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI: UI 2002: Call For Papers

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Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 21:09:00 -0500
From: "Underwater Intervention 2002" <UnderwaterIntervention@usa.com>
To: "Ray" <Ray@PSUBS.ORG>
Subject: UI 2002: Call For Papers
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May 8, 2002                                              NEWS UPDATE
Contact: Howie Doyle
(281) 440-0278

Underwater Intervention 2002 Issues Call for Papers

The Underwater Intervention Committee is currently accepting abstracts for
technical papers to be presented at the upcoming UI 2002 event, which will
be held February 27-March 2 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in
New Orleans, Louisiana. Technical program papers, panels and tutorial
sessions are expected to be expansive and reflect the diversity of the
international underwater industry. The previous conference, held January
15-17 in Tampa, Florida, hosted a large number of presentations that
addressed advanced technological solutions to increasingly remote work

There is a new enthusiasm in the offshore sector, as both deepwater and
shallow water petroleum developments are spurring the demand for innovative
products and services. New Orleans has always been a popular meeting spot
for oil-related industries -- including commercial diving, ROVs, and AUVs
-- to congregate. If the success of UI 2001 was any indicator, the UI 2002
conference will be a catalyst for development of relationships -- both
domestic and international -- that lead to an understanding of mutual
concerns and challenges in the underwater contracting arena. Underwater
Intervention has become known as a staging ground for significant
breakthroughs in operations and technology that benefit underwater

The core underwater industry groups served by this conference are varied,
reaching far outside the offshore petroleum sector to reflect a remarkable
diversity. A partial list of primary industries that also have an interest
in Underwater Intervention includes submarine cables; survey, search &
salvage; marine construction; bridges and highways; nuclear and
hydroelectric energy; potable water; and ocean mining.

Panel and technical paper topics will include:
   - diver, ROV, AUV and submersible operations
   - platform, pipeline, and production system installation and maintenance
   - deepwater applications; inshore diving and ROV utilization
   - remote intervention technology
   - contaminated diving
   - bridge inspections
   - safety, certification, insurance and industry trends.

Authors interested in submitting papers should contact Technical Chairman
Howie Doyle at 281-440-0278, fax 281-440-4867, or email a 100 word abstract
directly to hdoyle@doylepublishing.com. The deadline for submission of
abstracts will be October 31, 2001.

Exhibit space is still available, including a limited number of prime
positions. For information, contact Ross Saxon at 1-800-316-2188.
Underwater Intervention is co-sponsored by the Association of Diving
Contractors International, Inc. and the ROV Committee of the Marine
Technology Society. For registration information visit the official Website
at http://www.underwaterintervention.com, or call 800-316-2188.

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