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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Need advice, new builder.

Hallo und danke vielmals, Carsten,
   You have given me much to re-think and re-work, so it is back to the
drawing board. 
   My first thoughts are internal ballast chambers, thanks to you, I'll
crunch the numbers, do a bit of re-design and post the changes. 
Thanks again, Stan of the "Lahme Ente", one day to be the "Tauchende
Ente"?, although the "Lahme Ente" has a nice sound to it. ;-)

To All,
   Let me thank everyone who have been so helpful in this. It gets
lonely trying to build a submarine in Missouri, surrounded by corn and
soy beans, where if a boat doesn't have "Bass" in the title it just aint
a boat. ;-)