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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Saw your white paper on bubble windows for subs...


Ah, for the leisurely retired life! Nuttin' to do but schmooze wit' da toy 
boyz and da whiz kidz. Don'cha wish ya had sumtin' ta do?

Any further word on the Roger Chapman film? I never made any progress with 
the hunt for a Pisces in Miami. Which one was that, anyway?

What would you get if you had a Pisces built out of maraging 200,000 psi 
stuff at the same thicknesses as a standard HY-100 hull. Besides welding and 
stress relief headaches, I mean? You wouldn't double the depth, I expect, but 
you ought to get some more out of it, I'd think. Everyone was messing with 
the high end HYs plus Lockheed with the maraging steel--for a while anyway. 
Too expensive, I figure?

Congratulations on the continuing success this year. Couldn't happen to a 
nicer NewtNoid. I'll look forward to seeing you and the gear on TV.

Best Regards.