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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Saw your white paper on bubble windows for subs...

Hi, Vance:
        Yeah, busier than ever! Delivering a new DW2000 in ten days -
nother one coming into the shop right after, to be finished within next
couple of months - new design manipulator finally completed and will go on
DW2000- #12 for Korea - new digital comms ready for test ( 2 - 3 mile
range) steel cut for hulls # 15 and #16 - Kick off for Nat Geo 'SSE' from
Key West week of 23-27 this month - to Belize, then Cozumel, then Flower
Gardens, then to Passagoula to change NOAA ships ( Mac Arthur to Gunther)
and then work around Florida, then change to Canadian vessel 'Ulysses' and
off to Cuba with Nat Geo film crew for a month! Working with Jim Cameron
and Jean Michel C on a new three series expedition called 'Ocean Challenge"
- working on getting a couple of our little subs on as 'stars' . Finshed a
new series of HMI lights - first 6 due to to Nat Geo. Still working hard on
the Exosuit, in the midst of all this! Oh, yes - Pisces 2 arrived back in
Vancouver after 32 years away from home! It belongs to the Historical
Diving Society - Canada and is slated for our new museum!