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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] RE: PSUB power problems solved

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Curtis <navark@yahoo.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] RE: PSUB power problems solved

>This whole fuelless engine idea is extremely
>suspicious and I don't personally believe it.  I sent
>an email to the company asking them if they have built
>any of these, and if they have photos, videos (that
>aren't $30) or any other reasonable proof that it
>would work.  Other suspicious things about it are the
>fact that they have an anonymous free email (USA.com),
>they don't accept credit cards (that can be traced),
>and they really discourage sending personal checks
>(which can also be traced).  The address is a PO Box. 
>My guess, is that you send the money, and it
>disappears.  Maybe that's a new concept - a free money
>generating engine.  It sits there doing nothing, and
>people send you money, which you use to pay your power
>bills, and you end up with free energy!  What a great
>I'll let ya'll know if I get any response - I don't
>expect to.
>     -Tim
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

I was going to do the same, but have not yet, let me know what happens...