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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Private nuclear (was: oxygen generators)

MerlinSub@t-online.de wrote:
> The last time here somebody use some gramm old waste radiation material
> (from russia) for unknown porpose - some thousand police men hunt him -
> they catch him - they put him in jail - the destroy the key to the
> prison-room he is still in.. - Privat nuke power ... not in europe

I was asked about a chap named Jozef Suss -- I think that was his
name; it's been a year or so -- who was said to have tried to build
a nuclear submarine in California.  He was a Hungarian physics 
professor who taught at a college in California.  When last heard
from, as best I can assemble the tale, he'd built his sub in 
France and the French had thrown him into an insane asylum.

Yeah, play with radioactive stuff and They Will Get You.
> The Magnetic-drive idear looks better..

I always thought the idea was very expensive in terms of KW.
Probably too expensive.  I don't think I  have much information
on it, though.
