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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Cold Fission

This sounds somewhat like another version I've heard, which used some 
radioactive metal (polonium? I'll have to look it up again...) to provide a 
source of electrons. It didn't work as "cold fission" in the same sense as 
"cold fusion" does, it's really just harnessing the energy from natural decay.

Another system I'm aware of (which I'm pretty sure would work, but may not 
have enough density) is a solar cell with phosphors (something like the stuff 
in flourescent lighting should work) and a radioactive substance. The 
radiation makes the phosphors glow, which the solar cell then converts to 
The upside to this system is that it'll work as long as the phosphors and 
solar cell work, the downside is that the energy density might be OK for 
charging batteries back at dock, or maybe charge the emergency batteries, but 
not enough for actualy driving a K-250 at any speed above a skateboarder 
being driven by a hairdryer.
