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Re: Aqua Clear, was [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Snow White virus

"Snow White" sounds good for use above the arctic circle.  "Aqua Clear
Navigation" has more of ring I think.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael B. Holt <mholt@richmond.edu>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, March 01, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Snow White virus

>"Sean T. Stevenson" wrote:
>> Perhaps  you could explain exactly what your intent is...  DR
>> navigation while submerged with brief surface intervals to update
>> your position via GPS, or continuous submerged electronic navigation?
>Continuous would be good, but it's not necessary.
>> The latter can be accomplished by combining (correcting?) the NMEA
>> data from the GPS receiver with acoustic positioning of the receiver
>> relative to the sub.  DR can also be supplemented by inertial
>> navigation, although that can be a bit expensive.
>Yeah, let's avoid "expensive."  Acoustic position of a buouy is
>a bit more complicated and expensive than I had in mind, too.
>What I had in mind is a DR track that was corrected by GPS
>checks every hour or so, depending on known currents and the
>like.  I don't expect this can be hard to do; it's probably
>already out there.  I would expect to find that sort of system
>built into high-end GPS units.
>> What sort of accuracy do you need?
>Just good enough to stay out of the way of traffic that can be
>expected.  It's not like I'd ever need to know where I was within
>ten feet.
>I suppose we'd have to call it Snow White navigation, now ....