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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Diving boats (was: E-Bay fish-painted sub)

David Buchner wrote:
> At 14:43 -0500 1/2/01, Michael B. Holt wrote:
> >The thing would be positively buoyant, and it would drive itself
> >under using planes and power.  Like the Bionic Dolphin, only
> >bigger and more obnoxious.  It wouldn't stay submerged very long
> >and it would not go deep.
> Yes. Also, I've thought that might be much closer to my likely
> technological level over the next few years. It would be a little
> sealed-up motorboat that would disappear for a couple minutes... and
> bob back up on the opposite side from fishing boats. Hmm, could call
> it a Loon...

Actually, what I've sketched out was built and called, among
other things, the Bionic Dolphin.  I don't need to go that fast or
to be that noisy, and I'd like to carry another person or two.

I was looking at another idea: Lake's ARGONAUT JUNIOR.  As I
understand it, it cruised out to where he wanted to dive and  
dropped to the bottom.  Then he rolled along the bottom.
It's a good think Simon Lake lived where he did, because
rolling along the bottom of rivers around here would be like
strolling in pudding.
