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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Diving boats (was: E-Bay fish-painted sub)

At 14:43 -0500 1/2/01, Michael B. Holt wrote:
>David Buchner wrote:
>> Hmm, you've got me interested. Diving boat... How would you do it?
>The thing would be positively buoyant, and it would drive itself
>under using planes and power.  Like the Bionic Dolphin, only
>bigger and more obnoxious.  It wouldn't stay submerged very long
>and it would not go deep. 
>I'd think about doing that here because the water is so dark: I can't
>see anything at all.

Yes. Also, I've thought that might be much closer to my likely technological level over the next few years. It would be a little sealed-up motorboat that would disappear for a couple minutes... and bob back up on the opposite side from fishing boats. Hmm, could call it a Loon...
Osage MN USA - buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner