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----- Original Message -----
From: "David Buchner" <buchner@wcta.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 1:35 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] AquaSub

> Does anybody here know anyone who built an "AquaSub" - those Mechanix
Illustrated plans for the Star Wars-looking thing with the pontoon "wings"
that stay on the surface while the cockpit submerges and hangs below them a
few feet? It would be interesting to see how they might have altered the
basic plans, and find out how much they actually enjoyed it and so on.

Hi, David of Osage!

(Of course, there is a link to the AQUASUB on the PSUBS "Sources" page, for
those who want to get a look at it.)

I don't know anybody who built one; but there was an old BEYOND 2000 t.v.
program here where an Australian gent built something extremely similar
called the SCUBACAT.  It was two metal catamaran hulls; at least one had a
NISSAN automobile engine inside driving a prop; there was a central pod for
the pilot (similar to AQUASUB); and the system used the hydraulic ram from a
back-hoe to lower and raise the cockpit section in and out of the water.
Seemed to work pretty well; and the guy was so happy with it he was talking
about building a larger tourist version.  I had it on tape; don't know if
it's still around or playable though.  Could take a look for it, if your
interested.  A EXCITE search yielded zip.

Gotta go repack my control-outs and cut some new side viewports....

