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Does anybody here know anyone who built an "AquaSub" - those Mechanix Illustrated plans for the Star Wars-looking thing with the pontoon "wings" that stay on the surface while the cockpit submerges and hangs below them a few feet? It would be interesting to see how they might have altered the basic plans, and find out how much they actually enjoyed it and so on. 

(I know a guy around here who built something similar out of a great big fertilizer tank. They didnt' bother with ballast tanks or anything - just a big hand-cranked winch to pull it back up to the surface. It was big enough that he put a couch and a stereo in there, and he and his buddies would cruise around underwater drinking beer while their wives sent the kids out to bang on the pontoons and yell down the air-circulating hoses for them to come back up...)
Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner